1. Hong Kong Mandarin Time School - 中西區 Central and Western District
14th Floor, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley St, Central, Hong Kong
2. Hong Kong Language School - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District

193 Lockhart Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
3. Q Language Ltd - 中西區 Central and Western District
Wing On Cheong Building, 5 Wing Lok St, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
4. Hong Kong Language Learning Centre (Since 1993) - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
16/F, Toi Shan Centre, 124-128 Johnston Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
5. International Language Centre - 中西區 Central and Western District
21/F CMA Building, 64 Connaught Rd Central, Central, Hong Kong
6. Hong Kong Institute of Languages - 中西區 Central and Western District
6/F Wellington Plaza, 56-58 Wellington St, Central, Hong Kong
7. Berlitz Languages Limited - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
2/F, Lee Garden Six, 111 Leighton Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
8. ITS Tutorial School Central - 中西區 Central and Western District
4/F, Boc Group Life Assurance Tower, 136 Des Voeux Rd Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
9. 朗喬 Immerse Languages - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
6th floor, CKK Commercial Centre, 289 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
10. Mandarin House School - 中西區 Central and Western District
Unit 305, 3F, Beautiful Group Tower, 74-77 Connaught Rd Central, Central, Hong Kong
11. GIA Hong Kong - 中西區 Central and Western District
3rd Floor, New World Tower II 18, Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
12. New Concept Mandarin School - 中西區 Central and Western District
Hong Kong, Central, Connaught Rd Central, 61號, Fortune House, 13th Floor
13. The Education University of Hong Kong - 大埔區 Tai Po District
10號 Lo Ping Rd, Ting Kok, Hong Kong
14. Spanish World HK 香港唯一獲國際西班牙文教學質素認證的西班牙語文學校 - 中西區 Central and Western District
404, 4/F, Lap Fai Building, 6-8 Pottinger St, Central, Hong Kong
15. The Spanish Academy Hong Kong - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
Suite 701, Keen Hung Commercial Building, 80 Queen's Rd E, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
16. Goethe-Institut Hongkong - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
13F & 14F, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
17. Li Po Chun United World College - 大埔區 Tai Po District
10號 Sai Sha Rd, Ma On Shan, Hong Kong
18. PRES Language Center - 中西區 Central and Western District
11-15 On Lan St, Central, Hong Kong
19. Beacon College_tsuen Wan - 荃灣區 Tsuen Wan District
Hong Kong, Tsuen Wan, Castle Peak Rd - Tsuen Wan, 荃灣青山公路388號中染新城1樓101A,107及108號
20. Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (Chai Wan Campus) - 東區 Eastern District
133 Shing Tai Rd, Chai Wan, Hong Kong