1. Craft Facade Tech (Hong Kong) Company Limited - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
Block B, Sea View Estate Block A, B304, 3/F, 4-6 Watson Rd, North Point, Hong Kong
2. Wah Tung Facade Company Limited - 深水埗區 Sham Shui Po District

63 Wing Hong Street Global Gateway Tower Room 2502-2504, 25/F, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong
3. seele hongkong Ltd. - 油尖旺區 Yau Tsim Mong District
Mirror Tower, Room 803 8/F, 61 Mody Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
4. The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation - 觀塘區 Kwun Tong District
7 Rehab Path, Sai Tso Wan, Hong Kong
5. Rehabilitation Consultants Hong Kong - 中西區 Central and Western District
906, 9th Floor, Strand 50, 50 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
6. Sika Hongkong Limited - 沙田區 Sha Tin District
Hong Kong, Sha Tin, On Ping St, 6號, A座 1507-12室, New Trade Plaza
7. TCG Construction Limited - 東區 Eastern District
7/F, Olympia Plaza, 255 King's Rd, North Point, Hong Kong
8. JEB Group | Office Partitions & Furniture | Workspace Design - 東區 Eastern District
4B, Cheung Wah Industrial Building, 10-12 Shipyard Ln, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
9. Bain & Company - 中西區 Central and Western District
One International Finance Centre, 1 Harbour View St, Central, Hong Kong
10. Talford (China) Limited - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
93 King's Rd, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
11. Korn/Ferry International (H.K.) Limited - 中西區 Central and Western District
St. George's Building, 2 Ice House St, Central, Hong Kong
12. Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited - 觀塘區 Kwun Tong District
Hong Kong, Manulife Place, 348 Kwun Tong Road, 3/F
13. The Henderson - 中西區 Central and Western District
8樓, 基層醫療統籌處, Murray Road Multi Storey Car Park Building, 2號 Murray Rd, Central, Hong Kong
14. G & M Engineering Company Ltd - 葵青區 Kwai Tsing District
1709, Manhattan Centre, 8 Kwai Cheong Rd, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
15. 香港防癌會賽馬會癌症康復中心 - 南區 Southern District
Hong Kong, Wong Chuk Hang, Nam Long Shan Rd, 30號, 30號
16. Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd - 深水埗區 Sham Shui Po District
Festival Walk, Hong Kong
17. 野村綜合研究所(香港)有限公司 - 油尖旺區 Yau Tsim Mong District
Hong Kong, 香港九龍尖沙咀 廣東道21號 港威大廈英國保誠保險大樓16樓1601-03室
18. HSBC Building - 中西區 Central and Western District
1 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
19. HCL Hong Kong SAR Limited - 灣仔區 Wan Chai District
Allied Kajima Building, 138 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
20. Hong Kong Curtain Wall Testing Centre Ltd - 北區 North District
Ping Yuen Rd, Ping Che, New Territories, Hong Kong